Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are the Camp's accommodations?
CABINS: The Psalms Camp cabins are two story, log buildings with wooden, three-bunk-high bunk beds. Each attendee must provide their own sleeping essentials (sleeping bag, linens, pillow, etc.) as well as their own towels and washcloths.
CHAPEL: The chapel is a beautiful place of worship, with stained glass windows, carpeted floors, and padded pews. From its porch, you get a perfect view of the lake and the camp grounds. It is the pride of Psalms Camp.
CAFETERIA: The C.P. & Rachel's Galley cafeteria serves the best food around! Long tables and an open, relaxed atmosphere provide the best setting for fellowship and conversation during meals.
GIFT SHOP: The gift shop is located at the entrance to the camp where you can purchase selected, forgotten necessities as well as T-shirts, paintings, and CD's.
Q: How many people will be in my cabin with me?
Psalms Camp has two main cabins. The girl's lodge holds 75 campers and the boy's lodge holds 35. Both buildings are two-story log cabins.
Q: What is there to do at camp?
We're glad you asked! The goal of Psalms Camp is to provide a peaceful atmosphere where each camper can "be still." However, there are lots of activities! There is canoeing, sand volleyball, rifle range shooting, a pool, and games in the cafeteria every day! More importantly, there is a continual pursuit of Bible and music knowledge.
Q: How many services are there each day?
Most days there are three services. You will be hearing teaching from godly men and women, and preaching from men of God who have years of ministry and evangelism under their belt. You will have plenty of free time each day, but the services are the most important part of your time at Psalms Camp.
Q: What is the schedule like?
Each morning, there is breakfast, a light wake-up session in the chapel, followed by a morning service. Every day, there will be teaching lessons, group electives, and delicious mealtime fellowship. Each day’s schedule has a great balance of spiritual enrichment, camp activities, and individual free time.
Q: Will I like the food?
Psalms Camp is known for it's great food! We pride ourselves on our home-cooked, southern meals and we promise that you will not go hungry!
Q: What if I’m hungry in the middle of the day?
Did we mention we have a Snack Shack? Psalms Camp's snack shack is open during free time each afternoon and after each evening service and is stocked with popcorn, candy bars, Popsicle, and sodas.
Q: What should I bring to camp?
Bible, notebook/journal, bedding, pillow, towels, toiletries, hand sanitizer, camera, flashlight, spending money (for the The Snack and the Gift Shop), umbrella, walking shoes, a light jacket, modest clothing (this includes swimsuits), and any medications you may need.
Cell phones are permitted on the grounds, providing you can acquire signal, however they must not be in use during any of the sessions or designated prayer and study times.
Q: I think I left something at camp. Who should I contact?
Please get in touch with our Camp staff and they will be glad to help you recover your lost items.